Excerpt from the Azusa Street Papers. The Book is available here...
We have had some of the most wonderful experiences with demons, that I have ever seen in my life. One woman, a Spiritualist, from the age of sixteen, was possessed with a legion of demons. The devil threw her on the floor where she fought and foamed froth out of her mouth, saying: "I hate Jesus Christ," many times, and blasphemed God in the most diabolic manner possible to imagine. She pointed right up in the faces of those praying for her, with a hellish laugh, challenging and defying God Almighty, saying, "Ha! ha! She is mine, ha! ha! she belongs to me, etc." Well, we prayed in Jesus name till she was gloriously delivered, and settled down like a lamb at the feet of Jesus, and for hours prayed and praised Him, until He forgave her, then cleansed her heart, and since then she has been seeking Pentecost. Last night she got up and told her whole experience, and it was simply wonderful indeed. She is very intelligent and she now feels that God is going to use her for revenge upon the devil and his hellish work in Spiritualism. These cities are full of Spiritualists and no doubt God will use this woman now to expose the thing from an experimental standpoint.